Friday, June 27, 2008

Go, Speed Racer! Go!

My taste in movies seems to be evolving -- I've grown from only watching animated children's movies to action-adventure films for pre-teens! And so it is that I can proclaim without shame: Speed Racer is freaking amazing.

It's not a good movie, in the way most people judge movies. The plot is weak, it all takes way too long, the special effects are overkill and the dialogue is pretty lame. So why do I love Speed Racer?

Simple: It is a damn good time.

I've been embracing the idea of fun for the sake of fun lately (Avril Lavigne is the shining example). There really is nothing wrong with just enjoying yourself. Speed Racer was full of bright colors and unbelievable moments that are absolutely a laugh. One of my favorite scenes is after a ninja attack - yes, you read that right - meant to take out our heroes before day two of the big cross-country race. After the Racer family has forcibly taken down the villian in question, Trixie goes, "Oh my god... was that a ninja?" To which Pops responds, "More like a non-ja. Terrible what passes for a ninja these days."

You can't call that brilliant screenwriting or fantastic acting. But the whole situation is so ridiculous that if you step back from the sneering, judgemental film-critic you wish you were, you'll have a big laugh and simply shake your head. It's a fun moment, and that's what the movie is good for.

To be fair, I was a Speed Racer fan before the movie and so some of the little things thrilled me; the sound effects of the Mach 5 and the theme music kicking in every now and again had me grinning. But the movie is not the cartoon, and I judge it quite separately. Both are completely ridiculous, but in their own awesome ways.

So while yes, the film does go on longer than it needs - you feel like it should be over after the cross-country race, but it wouldn't be Speed Racer without the Grand Prix! - it has enough fun in it to keep the thing alive. The colors are vibrant, the races are fairly fast paced, and there are enough bizarre moments to make it worth your while.

Whenever the DVD is released, I'll buy it without hesitation. I'm extremely interested in hearing commentary throughout the movie; I'm a commentary whore to begin with, but it will be interesting to hear thoughts on the film from the creators.

Plus, I'll be able to hear Speed shout, "Get that weak shit off my track!" until I die of laughter. That alone is worth $20.

If you haven't seen the movie yet, it's still showing at some theatres. Catch it in IMAX if you can!

Unrelated: I seem to have this pattern of posting blogs for one month, then taking two months off. This will have changed by September. I'm back for now!

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