Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Year of Doing Big, Fun, Scary Things Together

The kids on the NaNoWriMo forums are rocking the year crazy hard with the YoDBFSCT. I'm taking part, because I like stating goals and I love community and feelings of accomplishment.

This is the list I've submitted:

1. Learn to curl (the sport!) by attending workshop(s) at the nearest club.
2. (a) Attend a weekend-long hammered dulcimer event and
(b) practice at least three times each week.
3. Collaborate with at least one other person on a song.
4. Create a personal website.
5. Build the Mirrormask-inspired cabinet that I've put off for a year.
6. Sort through all of my photographs and properly organize and archive them all.
7. Get involved again with Odyssey of the Mind.
8. Read at least 50 books I haven't read before.

Take that, 2008. I'm ready to kick your ass.

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